Please note that in the event that the TSS is unavailable or temporarily instable, the checkout process will not be disrupted! The timeouts depend heavily on the frequency of the POS system. As a manufacturer, you should decide for yourself which timeout length you consider reasonable. No request should ever be open long enough to jeopardize the smooth operation of the cash register.
From our customers' experience we can say that tx-endpoints timeouts between 3 and 5 seconds are reasonable.
If there seems to be a problem, please check the fiskaly Status Page as well as the How should I report an issue? article.
Pro Tipp: Make timeouts configurable. We recommend to create the possibility that the timeouts can be set (e.g a value between 1,5-3 seconds) by an administrator. This way, valuable development resources can be saved and a smooth operation of the POS is possible.
For TSS creation and personalization we recommend a Timeout of at least 30 seconds.