General information about the Sign DE API v2.
- SIGN DE - What is the DSFinV-TW transaction data schema and who should use it?
- SIGN DE - How do I manually add the latest SSL certificate for SIGN DE V2?
- SIGN DE - How many managed organizations and TSSs should I create?
- SIGN DE - What is the difference between the transaction schemas receipt (Kassenbeleg-V1) and order (Bestellung-V1)?
- How can the QR code of a receipt be validated?
- SIGN DE - Can the fiskaly SDK, fiskaly Client or fiskaly Service used in V1 also be used for V2?
- SIGN DE - Where to find a guide for SIGN DE V1 to V2 migration?
- SIGN DE - How do I manually add the TLS certificate for of SIGN DE V1?
- SIGN DE - Can I use the same UUIDs from SIGN DE API V1 for Sign DE API V2?
- SIGN DE - Which timeout should be set for the SIGN DE API requests?
- SIGN DE - What are typical use cases for the metadata object(s)?
- SIGN DE - Is it possible to permanently delete a TSS, client and/or transaction?
- SIGN DE - Which data should be recorded on a receipt?
- SIGN DE - Where can I find the official documents for fiskaly SIGN DE certification?